Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The pecking order - Casey McPherson

In life, we’re all a part of hierarchy. However I must say pecking order in the world of high school seems to be the most daunting and complex. It’s what determines how someone will be treated, and how they’re going to treat everyone else. What is acceptable differs from school to school, or town to town. They say in life every action has a consequence, but why is it the consequence is based upon what you have and who you know.
We see examples of this everywhere, in the movies we watch, at school and out at parties, the cruelty people will apply to other for a various amount of reasons. But no one seems to be able to answer how much is too much, when have things gone too far? And even then once someone decides it has gone too far, can they intervene or do they become a victim as well? Why it’s up to their social status of course.
Recently I was at a party where a boy was tied down to his chair and tormented by a group of boys abusing him and pouring drinks over him. The story being that he was with someone who threw ice cream at one of their car, and he may have thrown some himself. After hearing the story it was left to people to decide whether they thought that was fair, and majority laughed in a “that’s what you get” kind of way.
Had this boy been more popular with ‘tougher’ more outgoing friends would he have been treated like that, and would everyone sat back and watched, most likely not. If he was someone else the whole situation would have been sorted in a completely different manner.

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