Tuesday, May 31, 2011

On time travel

By Trent Sheehan

Good evening! Today I'm going to have a chat to you about time travel and the various ways people have explored the possibility of one day traveling through time, and then the rather humorous appeal of time traveling - the Hollywood take if you will.

But first of all, here is a definition of time travel according to Wikipedia:

Time travel is the concept of moving between different points in time in a manner analogous to moving between different points in space, either sending objects (or in some cases just information) backwards in time to some moment before the present, or sending objects forward from the present to the future without the need to experience the intervening period (at least not at the normal rate).

So now that you know the actual definition it is rather self explanatory. Also, many professors have experimented over countless hours on the topic but none more famously than the great Albert Einstien.

According to his theory of relativity a physical universe is defined by the presence of movement, matter and consciousness. The passage of time will differ for objects which move at different velocities through space. So the thought of time travel isn’t that hard to believe when you have collected all the facts.

As we we speak, I bet there are many people still looking into time travel. I personally believe that one day, maybe, it will be possible.

And last of all let's look at the light-heartened way of expressing views on time travel through the cinema. One of the most famous movies, released in 1960, is called The Time Machine. It explores the fear that people had for the subject back in those days. The movie shows weird creatures and a spooky presence.

On the other hand, the movie franchise Back to the Future made time travel sound more appealing and explored its humorous side. Watching the movie made you wish you could go back in time.

So, make up your own mind! I've given you some food for thought so I leave you with it.

Trent Sheehan's Major Work for Cert III Digital Media is a short film about time travel. The photograph of Albert Einstein in 1921 is in the public domain.

1 comment:

  1. I, in fact, did not write this. But well done.. other Trent Sheehan.
