Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Scattered Human Remains Found - Kate Lucas

I found an article in the Western Advocate with the headline “Third Grisly Discovery: Police unsure if remains from one person”. The article tells of how a pet dog found a human leg and took it home to its owner. It was said in the article how police believe the murdered person's body was dismembered and scattered between the southern end of the Hume Highway and bushlands nearby. The remains were later identified as a 33 year old Sydney woman and a man was charged with the murder.

How come it took police this long to find the victim? She was after all, missing since late July.
The thing that’s on my mind after reading a few related articles was what sort of person would kill someone, mutilate them then scatter the pieces everywhere?

And did the man who was arrested for the murder actually commit the crime? It seems pretty strange to me that someone was arrested so soon after the body parts were found.

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