Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Five blogs ... by Frances Vinall

Now, I’m not generally one to get into blogs. Basically because I am an intensely cynical person and I simply Don’t Care about your dog, your weekend or your children. However, here assembled for you today are five cyber-masterpieces, or at least in my eyes. Enjoy.

1. This is a blog about the (sometimes not so) glossy world of the glossy pages. It is run and written by Erica Bartle (nee Holbourn,) who writes with expertise and style about the comings and goings of Vogue, Yen, Oyster, InStyle and all the rest of their competitors. Personally, I find this blog appealing because it’s about a medium I want to get in to, but it’s also likeable because of its light hearted style and frothy, DIY layout – the pages of the magazines it writes about are splashed like borders down both sides and relevant cut outs and clips are scattered throughout the posts.

2. This is a personal blog written by professional columnist Mia Freedman, focusing on the subjects most applicable to her somewhat-stereotypical, clearly female target audience. She writes like she’s having a conversation with you – albeit a clever, witty conversation, about topics ranging from shopping to childbirth to pop culture to a discussion about something you’ve come across in a magazine. Don’t get me wrong though – mamamia is a far cry from the women’s weekly, “How to make the perfect eggplant quiche” type read. It has a distinctly feminist edge, all wrapped up in anecdotes about pushy sales girls. The only downside I could see, and this is just my personal preference, was the childish, purple diamante-and-newspaper-cut out theme, which came off as a bit tacky. This blog is a gem for anyone relatable – if you think “wedges” are a type of fat chip, this isn’t the blog for you.

3. This is a blog run by Yen magazine; Australia’s artiest, indie-est, publication for women. It’s written by a range of contributors, and is somewhat of a noticeboard for all things so-weird-they’re-cool. It’s a valuable source if you’re looking for woollen necklaces or the latest electro-folk band, and the kitschy style is attractive, but the number of contributors means it can lack consistency, and sometimes the writing style is, well, amateur. Still, it’s an interesting read with some truly fascinating posts. Shoes in a birdcage, anyone?

4. This is a blog about; hear me out here, professional cakes. But it’s hilarious. Feast your eyes on a collection of the best in accidental misprints, bizarre ideas and the fabulously wrong. The site is easy to read, with satirical commentary accompanying each picture and the generic, navy-blue-and-white-writing BlogSpot design. A truly original idea, and it is genuinely entertaining.

5. This blog is very well written. The proof? I found myself getting caught up in a story about someone I don’t know who isn’t famous going to the dentist. I actually experienced a feeling of suspense as Jelisa Castrodale sat, agonised, in the chair, and laughed-out-loud (well, at least chuckled,) at her description of her own unemployment. It’s a completely personal blog, with drawn-out anecdotes that don’t actually seem that long, as they move forwards at lightning speed and are practically exploding with wit.

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